Beginners Course 2025

This beginners course is intended for new beekeepers and for those with some experience who wish to obtain a good grounding in the theory and practice of beekeeping. Six theory classes will be held at St Luke’s Church, Plymouth Road, Buckfastleigh TQ11 0DA starting Thursday 16th January 2025. The practical work will take place in the spring and summer when the weather is suitable using the association apiary. We try to arrange these practical meetings with small groups at various times to suit course members.

The theory classes will take place fortnightly from January to March starting at 7 pm. (We aim to finish at 9.15 pm but sometimes run later.)

Course cost: £80. In addition, participants are advised to purchase one of the recommended texts for beginners and for insurance purposes they will be expected to join Devon Beekeepers Association as a Registered member before the beginning of April. (NB: Registered membership for 2025 costs £31, and the membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December.)

Places are limited. To reserve a place, please email Lisa Brown or telephone 07867 870870. She will let you know whether places are available and details of how to pay.

Theory LessonDateTopic *
230/01/25Life of the Honeybee
313/02/25Inspections, Swarming, Stings
427/02/25Honeybee Health
513/03/25Looking After Your Bees
627/03/25Products of the Hive

* Please note this sequence is liable to change.

Practical work during April and May (as weather permits), will be done with the bees in our apiary and will include opening and handling of hive parts, use of a smoker and hive tool, the appearance of normal brood, and may include queen marking, taking a sample of bees, swarm prevention, etc, as the situation arises.

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